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Releasing v0.3.0

· 2 min read
Muhammad Hamza

The Gloo team is happy to announce a new, long overdue, version of Gloo: v0.3.0. Gloo is a modular toolkit for building fast, reliable Web applications and libraries with Rust and WASM.

What's new

This release focuses on adding new features and crates.

New crates


gloo-console provides an ergonomic way to access the browser's console API using macros:


The formatting is done on the browser side. Any JsValue can be provided and it'll be logged as-is:

let object = JsValue::from("any JsValue can be logged");

Multiple values can also be provided:

let object = JsValue::from("Some JsValue");
log!("literal", object);


gloo-dialogs provides wrappers for the following functions:

alert("Hello World!");
prompt("What do you want to say?");
confirm("Are you sure?");


gloo-render provides wrapper for requestAnimationFrame:

request_animation_frame(|_| {
// inside animation frame.


gloo-storage provides wrappers for the Web Storage API. It can be used to access both local storage and session storage.

Other changes

  • We now use GitHub Actions instead of Azure for CI
  • READMEs and crate level docs are no longer synced
  • This website exists!!

Looking for contributors

Gloo project is in need of contributors. I recently became maintainer of this project, and I'm trying to revive it. It would be really appreciated if you could contribute or raise awareness about the Gloo project.