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Getting Started

Using the Whole Toolkit

Using the whole toolkit via the umbrella gloo crate lets you hit the ground running, with everything at your fingertips. This is a good choice for people making Web applications, or top-level crates that are compiled into Wasm binaries.


Add a gloo dependency to your Cargo.toml:

gloo = "0.3"


Use various bits of gloo via its submodules, for example timers and intervals are in gloo::timers and event listeners are in gloo::events:

use gloo::{timers, events};

// ...

Using a Single Crate

Each crate in the Gloo toolkit can also be used independently from the rest of the toolkit. This is a good choice for people making library crates that are intended to be used by other people making Web applications or top-level crates that are compiled into Wasm binaries.


If we want to use only the Gloo functionality that wraps setTimeout, we can add gloo-timers to our dependencies in Cargo.toml:

gloo-timers = "0.2"


Next, import the functionality you need from the gloo_timers crate, and go to town with it:

use gloo_timers::callback::Timeout;

// ...